Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Birthday?

My liver turned 1 year old last weekend. To celebrate, got gelatto with Jake and Fauf and also watched hours of Arrested Development. It was a good day.

I love zoos.

Ghost alligator smiling at me. What a weirdo.

Zebra butts.


I love the little girl in the corner of both of my pictures. She was in the summer camp program that we went to the zoo with. She is silly.

I have a new place. It's fun. Someone in the neighborhood has roosters. They like to crow morning ad evening.


aunt choody said...

Happy Birthday, Stooph's liver. I was thinking about you on your birthday.

Rikki said...

I cant believe that its been a year!! Yet then again you look so great that it feels like it was 5 years ago!! You truly are someone I see as a miracle!! Luv yu girl!!

Unknown said...

Yeah for your liver!!!!!! (And yeah for rikki!)