Leah Pettit wants everyone to write her!!! She probably already told ya'll but if you need her email address its:
Do it do it do it!!!!!
And here is my Lucy girl because I love her and miss her!!!">
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
Write Leah!!!!!
Posted by Stooph at 7:22 PM 4 comments
Labels: My Babies
Music is my Boyfriend
My car is the champion of all snow.
It may only look like an old Cabriolet whose hood is only connected to the car by bungee cords, but it is such a baller. Last week everyone decided to let people drive to work in like 8 inches of snow and no one to plow it off the high-way or State street or anything. People were going like 20 mph and their cars were on the sides of all the streets and people were slippy-dipping every where, but 'ol Red just kept plugging along and got me to the hospital (to get my blood drawn) in like 2 hours. Dang.
Waiting in line for the Buffalo Bill ride in Primm, Nevada. I look astonishingly happy for just having lost like $80 in the slots... This was the day after Kathryn and Jake's wedding and I am still wearing the dress...I'm pretty sure I slept in that... And is it just me, or is Regan really handsome even with a goofy look on his face.... I think we were holding hands in this picture. Or I was grabbing bis butt. We should date.
Posted by Stooph at 7:07 PM 2 comments
Labels: General Hotness, snow
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I thought I told ya'll that we won't stop
Here is a good picture of my face, not a lame one that I've been sending to people from my phone.
Heres a little close up one to see what it looks like...if you care, that is.And Ethan ASKED to put on this wig, just so you know. He only keeps it on for a little minute,
so this time i got my camera ready BEFORE and it worked!!! I got some good pictures of my little lovey dovey.:)
Posted by Stooph at 4:32 PM 4 comments
Labels: My Babies
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Slippy Dippy
I was recently informed that two more people read my blog than I thought, which brings the grand total to like 10 or something!!! Congratulations me. I deserve a prize.
Here is YOUR prize for looking at my blog: My most adorable and favorite niece that I have in the world!!! LUCY LU LU!!!! Don't let those big ol eyes and innocent face fool you, this girl is CRAZY and for sure was just doing something naughty while her mom wasn't lookin.This girl is the prettiest girl I know. She has to get it from her MOM, because ya'll know she don't get it from her daddy...
Glamour shots!! Me riding a train! it was fun. Kind of boring, kind of early, but it was worth it to spend new years with peter, mary, roo and tiger. I loooove taking pictures of myself.
Cousins Night Extravaganza!!!! It was the best cousins night ever, the Katzenbach squad ventured up north for a bball game and some yhatzee playing! They are great cousins. Is it just be or is Jesse SUCH a poser. He is NOT a model. Yet.
Ethan meeting Cozmo. He gets so shy when he's excited, I just love him to pieces and bits!!! And I'm pretty sure Marge was just as excited about this picture.
Here's the rest of em. Jesse, Jarod, Kathryn, Matty and Jordan. Love love love, just a big pile of LOVE.
I should go to bed, I have to be at work in 6 hours...poo poo head. But soon you will be getting photo-graphical documentation of my latest venture....NOSE PIERCING!!!
ya'll think i'm joking....
Posted by Stooph at 9:28 PM 1 comments
Labels: Family Love, My Babies
Sunday, January 6, 2008
I'm Bossy
Attention Alisha and Christy!!!! Here is the stuff you been waiting for, Young Boss.
And this is why we're hot.
This day was one of the weirdest days. We see this Elvis guy, a little northwest of Vegas (or a lot northwest) I get hugged by some random old lady in the bathroom of the bar, then I karaoke Superfreak and shake it all day while drunk guy buys Alisha and Veronica bouquets of fake flowers. . It was soooo good. And I love these girls. So good.
Posted by Stooph at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Elvis, General Hotness, l