Thursday, March 6, 2008

That Night Erin got Drunk at the Jazz game...

just kidding...but doesn't she look a little intoxicated in this picture? Yet she still looks so damn fine. Girl. So Erin and I totally Dallas Mavericks-ed it up (as you can see in this photo) at the Jazz vs Mavs game in Salt Lake on Monday. It was seriously so much fun, even with grown men heckling us and telling us to go home. And some crazy lady cursing up a storm in front of us. I thought she was going to fight us and it made me a little anxious, but we made it out alive. I love Erin. She is my home girl for real.

ANd no, I am not wearing a pink belt. It's my new fanny pack. I love it.
Yesterday after work I drove down to Provo to accomplish a few goals. First, I needed to take Fauf out for her birthday and of course we went to Beto's (recently renamed Rancherito's) to eat us some carne asada fries, thus shortening our lives by about 3 years. But its so good. Then I hung out with Kathryn and Matt and just had a fun time until it was time to head north and go to bed. GOod times.
Fauf looks like a body builder and I look like a perv.


aunt choody said...

So fun Stooph! You are a busy girl!

Gracie said...

i'm pretty sure that with all of the carne asada fries that we've eaten none of us will live to see 65. and its so worth it.

Stooph said...

amen gracie. amen.