I wish I knew how to hula hoop. I never learned to do it, now I really feel as if I missed out on something in my childhood.
Speaking of childhood, this is an actual, real-life quote from my psychology teacher (who also happens to be a freaking moron). "Childhood obesity is becoming an epidemic, especially in children." Seriously, I'm supposed to learn stuff from this idiot??? I can't handle this. I think my IQ dropped 5 points just from sitting through that class, and I don't got much points to spare. Eck. That psychology class is so depressing to me. Not because of the subject matter, but because everyone in that class is so unable (or unwilling?) to accomodate or assimilate new ideas into their own preexisting prejudices, that they simply throw it out. It is truly amazing. Sitting through that class diminishes my hope in the human race. I have no faith that the world can change and learn from its mistakes because these are the kinds of people, the raw materials, that we have to work with.
I think poenies are the most prettiest flowers.
hey remember physiology in high school? I don't. I do remember lunch at taco bell and getting busted for skipping to see Harry Potter. But you were always the good student, well, almost always.
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