Matt got married!!!! It was soooo good. The best part was teh reception. Best reception ever. A DJ with a smooth, sultry voice reminiscent of Marvin Gaye's weird Mormon step-cousin. Live Band playing all the greatest hits of the 90's, including "Sunny Came Home". So much food. SO much FOOD. and it was damn good too. Props to Kathryn's sister, Brittany, who did an AMAZING job decorating and everything. All my brothers are amazing and Matt is no exception. I love him so much and I am so happy for him!!! He is the best brother I could ask for, he stayed up all night, night after night in the hospital with me. I love this guy:) And Kathryn is so great. I really have lucked out with sister-in-laws. I'm pretty sure I have the best 3 that their are.
Speaking of brothers, why are mine so wierd?What a dork.
My Grammy NEVER lets us take pictures of her. I don't know what she has against pictures cuz she's freaking HOT and so sassy. I think she looks like a movie star in all the pictures we have of her (which are not very many). This is me and my gram and marge and Mary. I think we are cute.
I agree with you - that was probably the best wedding reception I've ever been to. If we hadn't had a flight at 6am the next morning, we totally would have stayed longer... even with our poor, sleeping baby.
PS I want some more of that chocolate cake with the berries on top.
Your brothers arent weird and I luv microwaves
yay for choody- I mean yay for Stooph! I love you!
you are the funnest family. I love you guys. Congrats to Matt!
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